Format Film
Category Short
Genre Drama
Production company CoffeepostIlluminator film service
Distributor Arthaus Trafіk
Directors Miroslav Slaboshpicykiy
Screenwriter Miroslav Slaboshpicykiy
Director of photography (DOP) Dmitro Sannіkov
Production Designer Olena Slaboshpicyka
Sound Directors Sergiy Stepansky
Film editor Yevhen Indiukov
Сostume designer Olena Hresy
Makeup artists Olena Klieshchova
Producer Volodymyr TykhyyIgor SavychenkoDenis Іvanov (II)Denys Vorontsov
Leading actors Serhіy HavrilyukSvіtlana Shtanyko
He is a truck driver at a nuclear waste disposal plant in the Chernobyl area. She works there in the laundry room. Their lives and work are subordinate to one rhythm and are scheduled by hour. But what drives their day-to-day mechanism?
The film is part of a series of feature films "Ukraine, goodbye!" And film almanac Ukraine Goodbye.
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