Format Film
Category Short
Genre Drama
Production company 435 Films
Distributor Arthaus Trafіk
Directors Yevhen Matvіienko
Screenwriter Hanna LehkaYevhen Matvіienko
Director of photography (DOP) Mihaylo MarkovDmitro PisaniyOleksandr Dghantіmіrov
Production Designer Serhіy Brghestovsykiy
Sound Directors Anton BrghestovsykiySerhіy LisenkoArtem MostovyjRustam Hіmadіiev
Film editor Valentin Vernihor
Сostume designer Svіtlana Vlasyuk
Makeup artists Svіtlana Vlasyuk
Producer Volodymyr TykhyyIgor SavychenkoDenis Іvanov (II)Marіya HovoruhaAnna Palenchuk
Leading actors V'yacheslav PohudіnHeorhіy HavrilenkoLuka MatvіienkoLіlіya MatvіienkoTaras DenysenkoІrina KorotkovsykihSerhіy SorokіnValerіy SkripkaІhor Levenecy
According to Anna Easy's play "Gas Boiler on Credit".
Sasha has a house in the village of Graceful and an exemplary, loving wife. They are expecting a second child, paying a loan for a large fridge, dreaming of saving money for a gas boiler. And in the future - to buy "Lanos" and wave the family to the Crimea. In order to bring all these unforgettable dreams to life, Sasha had to develop a clever scheme of monetary manipulation. By chance, Sasha's machinations are exposed. The trip to Crimea seems to be delayed.
The film is part of a series of feature films "Ukraine, goodbye!" And film almanac Ukraine Goodbye.
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