Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2019, series 12, ~45-46 minutes, TV channel ICTV
Rating 0%
Fraction 11.6%
Production company FILM.UA GroupIntra Communications
Directors Mihaylo Barkan
Screenwriter Іhor AheievMihaylo Barkan
Director of photography (DOP) Oleksіy Lamah
Production Designer Andrіy Hrechishkіn
Composers Oleksіy Karpov
Sound Directors Іhor TerehovІvan HaladyukDmitro Teryohіn
Film editor Vіktor Fedik
Сostume designer Svіtlana Kalashnik
Makeup artists Tetyana Plyuta
Second Director Alina BukhtiiarovaAnastasіya Atamanchuk
Operator Andrіy Kusch-ShevalyovRuslan Bohdan
Casting director Yana BernadsykaKristіna Korshikova
Producer Serhіy KarataievVіktor MirsykiyMarіya AlekseievaVіktor UmnovLeonard YanovsykiyVolodimir Іssat
Executive Producers Serhіy DemidovSerhіy Morozov
Line Producers Alybіna Poddubnih
Leading actors Matvіy ZubalevichPavlo BarshakOleksandr SemchіvKaterina MalіkovaSerhіy Kolos
Supporting Actors Nіna AntonovaAleks BerezovsykiyMykola BoklanNeonіla BuhaievaOlyha VіvcharyukVolodimir HladkiySerhіy Derev'yankoMihaylo GhonіnHalina KornieievaDavіt RoіnіshvіlіVіtalіy SalіyVіktor SaraykіnAndrіy SmirnovHanna SahaydachnaValerіya ChaykovsykaDіmіtrіy AlavіdzeMarina AnіsovichValerіy AntonyukAlіsa BalanYaroslava BarinovaІhor BarsehyanTetyana BlaschukOlena Bondarieva-RiepіnaLyubov BorisyonokBohdan BuilukRoman VdovikaTetyana Krishevich-VіkulovaAndrіy VoloshinSofa HalaburadVolodimir HalenaAnna HulyaievaValerіya HulyaievaAlla Delіpovich-SurghikovaSerhіy DetyukHeorhіy DghodghuaOleksandr DubovichAndrіy ZabolotniyDmitro ZavadsykiyBohdan ZapshaLeonіd ZaharchenkoYevhen ZubricykiyІhor ZorovVolodimir KanіvecyІllya KetіladzeArtem KomіssarovKostyantin KosinsykiyNatalіya KorecykaVolodimir KotlyarovRuslan KacemіrVіktor KoshevenkoOleh KuzіnAnna LebedievaDavid LeghavaVadim LyalykoVolodymyr MelnykVіktor MuhіnNatalіya NahrudnaFіlіp NіgheradzeYurіy NescheretniySerhіy NіkіtіnMaksim SamchikSerhіy SafronchikOleksandr SviridovValentyna SerheievaOlyha SidorchenkoYevhen SіnchukovBoris SmirnovSerhіy SolodovOleksandr SpіrіnMiroslav PavlіchenkoValerіy PasіchnikYulіya PershutaYevhen Plisko-KuprіnAnatolіy PriymakOleksіy ProkopenkoІhor RepetaOlena RechichVadim RodіtielievOleksandr RyabovDmytro TurkevychVolodimir FedorukOleksіy CherevatenkoHennadii ShevchukSvіtlana Shtanyko
Casting Managers Alina Marchuk
Special services conduct secret research in careers where magnetic anomalies are recorded. By chance, three people find themselves in this zone: the criminal Golenko, the photographer Malinin and the failed writer Tartakovsky. As a result of the explosion between these people, a strange contact occurs – Malinin begins to see the world through Golenko's eyes and read his thoughts, Tartakovsky can fully control Golenko's actions and communicate with Malinin from a distance. Tartakovsky, who can manipulate the actions of the criminal Golenko, decides with his hands to take revenge on all those who have hurt him. A number of bloody crimes are taking place in the city. The closer the investigators get to the killer, the more sophisticated the villains planned by Tartakovsky become...
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