Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre Drama
Production company Kіnostudіya іmenі Oleksandra Dovghenka
Directors Oleksandr Muratov
Screenwriter Vіktorіya Muratova
Director of photography (DOP) Vіktor PolіtovVolodimir Hutovsykiy
Production Designer Vіtalіy Volinsykiy
Composers V'yacheslav Nazarov
Sound Directors Tetyana Chepurenko
Film editor Yelizaveta Ribak
Сostume designer Svіtlana Zaikіna
Makeup artists Lyudmila KarpuhіnaSvіtlana Polіkashkіna
Leading actors Natalіya DolyaYurіy RozstalyniyNatalіia NadiradzeVіktor KolomіiecyHalina DolyaAlybіna SotnikovaYurіy KrіtenkoOleh PrimohenovLyudmila Snіcar
Supporting Actors Mykola RushkovskyiV. KachanovaSerhіy KrghechkovsykiyHalina YablonsykaMikola HudzyKostyantin ShaforenkoValentina VasilenkoYurіy RebrikT. SuraychenkoMykola RudenkoNatalіya RozkokohaVіtalіy Rozstalyniy
Based on the story of Mykola Khvylovy, Sentimental History.
1920s, Kharkov, the height of NEP. Nineteen-year-old Maria arrives from the provincial town to be with those who build a bright future. She gets a job, changes her name to the more romantic one - Bianca - and looks forward to meeting her with a big, pure love that she's read a lot about ...
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