Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre Drama
Production company Nezaleghna kіnohromada «Berehinya»
Directors Volodimir Horodyko
Screenwriter Volodimir Horodyko
Director of photography (DOP) Vіktor PolіtovMihaylo Muratkіn
Production Designer Oleksandr VdovichenkoVolodimir HutovsykiyV'yacheslav Roghkov
Composers Volodimir Shumeyko
Sound Directors Natalіya Serha
Film editor Marіya Zorova
Сostume designer Nadіya KovalenkoAlla Shesterenko
Makeup artists Nіna Odinovich
Leading actors Bogdan StupkaLyudmila LobzaTetyana Krishevich-VіkulovaValentin TarasovOksana HaraschukSerhіy KucherenkoBoryslav BrondukovTetyana NazarovaYurii PotapenkoLazar OkrentNіna NabokaAnatolii BarchukVolodimir KostyukOlya SetkіnaVitaliy Dzyubenko
Supporting Actors Yurіy RudchenkoYosyp NaidukVіktor PolіschukMykola MalashenkoValentin FeschenkoAnatolіy PereverzievViktor StepanenkoAda VoloshinaІrina MazurO. ShevchenkoV. BelkoLyudmila KuzymіnaKaterina HlavacykaL. PolonsykiyOleksandr YakovenkoAlіcіya Omelychuk
On the basis of works by Ivan Nechuy-Levitsky "Clouds", "Nikolai Jerry", "Two Muscovites", "Bubble", "He did not".
Again, the cause of confrontation in the Kaidash family is land. Privatization of land allotments makes enemies of brothers, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, good neighbors. The film calls for peace, harmony, charity.
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