Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre DramaComedyScreen adaptation
Production company Konsorcіum «Kozak»
Directors Volodimir Horodyko
Screenwriter Volodimir HorodykoOleksandr Sizonenko
Director of photography (DOP) Mihaylo Muratkіn
Production Designer Oleksandr Vdovichenko
Composers Volodimir Shumeyko
Sound Directors Vіktor Lukash
Film editor T. Sorokіna
Сostume designer Nadіya Kovalenko
Makeup artists Alybіna Nіkіtsyka
Leading actors Bogdan StupkaLyudmila LobzaValentin TarasovTetyana Krishevich-VіkulovaSerhіy KucherenkoOksana HaraschukTetyana NazarovaYurii PotapenkoAnatolii BarchukLіdіya ChaschinaRaisa Nedashkіvsyka
Supporting Actors Neonіla KryukovaVolodimir KostyukYosyp NaidukO. SazonovAlla UsenkoLyubov DemchukM. KrupicyaBoris AleksandrovVіktor PolіschukOlya SetkіnaAnton YakovenkoVadim Yakovenko
Based on the works of Ivan Nechuy-Levitsky, The Kaydashev's Family, Two Muscovites, Mykola Jerya, Burlachka, Kozhumyaky, and others.
Ukraine, the village of Semigory. The Kaidash family has two sons, Karpo and Lavrin. But there is no rest in their house. The constant quarrels in the family between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law force the sons to divide their father's property. Kaidash himself is lost to vodka ... Native people become enemies when it comes to property distribution ...
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