Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre Melodrama
Production company Studio BayrakFILM.UA GroupІnter Medіa Hrup
Directors Oksana Bayrak
Screenwriter Anatoliy DyachenkoOleksandr Kopieykіn
Director of photography (DOP) Oleksandr Kopieykіn
Composers Valerіy Tishler
Film editor Oleksandr Zamsha
Сostume designer Olena Dmitrenko
Makeup artists Varvara Fіlіpchuk
Producer Vladyslav RiashynKostiantyn Shamin
Line Producers Andrіy Drukarenko
Leading actors Olyha PohodіnaOleksandr DyyachenkoAnastasiia ZiurkalovaAnatoliy DyachenkoRimma Ziubіna Alla MaslennіkovaAlyona ІvchenkoMykola BoklanYulіya KotvіcykaSvіtlana UsatyukValerіy SkripsykiyOleh MaslennіkovNadіya MahalyasІhor Dehtyar
Creation year 2003
Country Ukraine
Language Russian
Premiere in Ukraine 21 december 2003
Rental in Ukraine with 21 december 2003
By the age of thirty, Dasha's personal life had not developed. And so, when she lost her last hope, Alexander appeared in her life. He is a prosperous, but eternally busy, divorced businessman. Alexander fully took care of his own daughter Masha and decided not to allow his ex-wife to the girl. Masha, painfully experiencing the divorce of her parents and divorce from her mother, becomes a very capricious and moody child. And here Dasha, having lost hope of finding a good job and arranging his personal life, completely accidentally enters the house of businessman Alexander and becomes a governess for his daughter. Dasha gets into a rather difficult situation. It is very difficult for her to find a common language with her parent.
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