Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre Action movie
Production company Primodesa-fіlymTelekompanіya «TANA-TV»Nord- Bank
Directors Volodimir Balkashinov
Screenwriter Yurіy Rohoza
Director of photography (DOP) Mikola Honcharenko
Production Designer Anatolіy Mamontov
Composers V'yacheslav Nazarov
Sound Directors Volodimir Sulіmov
Film editor Svіtlana Kulik
Сostume designer Svіtlana Pobereghna
Makeup artists Vasily Harkaviy
Leading actors Anatolii KhostikoievAnatolіy RavikovichDavid BabayevOleksіy BohdanovichYevhen PaperniyІnna RohozaValentin YaremenkoStepan StepanovBorislav Brondukov
Supporting Actors Oleksandr Hryhoriev (Aheienkov)Vadim AleksandrovOleh AfonіnAnatoly BarchukAnatolіy BіliyMikola BoklanVolodymyr VolkovV'yacheslav VoronіnHeorhіy HavrilenkoSerhіy HubenkoMikola HudzyHeorhіy DvornіkovVіktor DemertashHalina DovhozvyahaOlena DranishHennadіy YevdokimovMihaylo KerіmovTaras KireykoІrina KіhtievaLyudmila KuzymіnaVolodimir LevicykiyArtur LіLyudmila LobzaDmitro Luk'yanovYevhen LunchenkoMykola MalashenkoStanislav MalganovAndrіy MorozMihaylo MuratkіnValerіy NakonechniyDmitro NalivaychukYurіy NezdimenkoOleksandr NovosyolovOhoie DghakobDmitro Paleiev-BarmansykiyAndrіy ParhomenkoAnatolіy PashnіnSerhii PidgornyOleksandr PolutіnYurіy PotapenkoOleh PrimohenovYurіy RudchenkoTetyana SlobodsykaІhor SlobodskyiViktor StepanenkoKirilo StecenkoSerhіy FіlіnOleksandr ChernyavsykiyMark VinokurovBoris RomanovYevhen SokurovOleksandr Kostilev
To ransom from his friend's captivity, Lieutenant Colonel Yevgeny Sagibov has to raise $ 200,000. Eugene decides to requisition this amount in various mafia groups, but does not know where they store their money. These places are known by the old Sudaker scammer who usually pretends to be the conductor of a symphony orchestra, whom the lieutenant colonel saves from paying for his previous machinations. They are starting to act as one team ...
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