Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre Action movieHorror
Production company FILM.UA Group
Distributor FILM.UA Distribution
Directors Oleksіy Taranenko
Screenwriter Yaroslav Voitseshek
Director of photography (DOP) Viacheslav Rakovskyi
Production Designer Volodymyr Romanov
Composers Alex Chorny
Film editor Michael Torgomyan
Сostume designer Mariana Slovianska
Makeup artists Olena Semenets
Casting director Olena Artomova
Producer Іryna KostiukOleksandra Lozinska
Leading actors Marina KoshkinaDmytro PavkoVolodymyr RashchukOleksandr YatsentyukMykhailo DziubaAndrii PodliesnyiOrest PasіchnykIryna KudashovaVlada MarchevskaAndrіi Zhyla
The film takes place during the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine. After the Kakhovka dam is blown up, a detachment of Ukrainian soldiers led by a female fighter with the call sign Mara finds themselves in a secret Soviet bunker at the bottom of a reservoir where the USSR conducted human experiments during the Cold War. The consequences of these experiments are still in the bunker in the form of the half-living corpses of Soviet soldiers. Now, in order to survive, Ukrainians need to defeat the Soviet zombies, their own fear, as well as overcome internal disputes and trust each other.
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