Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2024, series 3, ~10 minutes, TV channel YouTube
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre AnimationChildren'sAdventureFantasy
Production company TOV «Necetakіnshe»
Directors Oleksanra Ruban
Screenwriter Іllya DermenghiOleksanra RubanRustem EmіrsalіievSerhіy BіbіlovVolodymyr Chechyk
Composers Stanislav Kulakovskyi
Sound Directors Andrii BilonenkoOleksandr Bіhun
Animators Maksym PavliukOleksandr BuliukSándor MatushakOlena SekunkoKristina DielovaOleksii StadnikSerhii YatsenkoSofiia TsyvinskaAnna DudkoTetyana PuhachevsykaMaksym YeremenkoOleh MasiukevychYana Shipova
Executive Producers Dmytro KorzhenievskyiYuliia Hrebenovska
Line Producers Mariia Klauninh
Voice acting Petro SovaKira KotliarYasia NefedovaVladyslav VasytskyiMihaylo PulyansykiyAndrіy AlyohіnDarіya Astaf'ievaVitalii HordiienkoVolodimir TereschukKaterina BraykovsykaYelizaveta ZіnovenkoDmitro HavrilovPavlo SkorokhodkoRoman Soloshenko
Casting Managers Olha Nehiievych
Soundtrack Music band Nazva
The series tells the story of an amazing holiday for the Kovalenko family.
The girl Tasya, her sister Tasya, her brother Levochka and their father receive a letter one day. It informs them that the family has inherited a house from their great-grandmother. It is located in a village called Svity. The family decides to go there on holiday. But once in the Zaporizhzhia region, they find themselves among mythical creatures and spirits.
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