Living Honestly and Dying Honestly. Abbess Josepha Viter
46 minutes - Ukraine - 2014
Status Completed
Format TV movie
Category Full-length documentary
Genre Documentary
Production company Nacіonalyna telekompanіya Ukraini
Directors Oleksandr RyabokrisMaksym Pohrebniak
Production Designer Natalіya Hermashevsyka
Sound Directors Natalіya Varnavsyka
Operator Oleksandr VoytenkoVolodimir TarhonsykiyOleksіy YurchenkoStepan Yurchenko
Voice acting Halina StefanovaYaroslav Chornenykiy
In Jerusalem, the name of Mother Josypha (née Olena Viter, 1904-1988), the abbess of the Studite Monastery, is inscribed on the Wall of Honor of the Righteous. She was one of the youngest abbesses of her time. Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsky recognized her great talents and entrusted her with the newly established convent. It was Josyfia Viter who organized many libraries, kindergartens and orphanages, medical and economic courses, choirs, and drama clubs.
In June 1940, she was taken away by the NKVD Mother Josefa was accused of having ties to the OUN. From that moment on, she survived 47 interrogations accompanied by beatings. It was only the outbreak of World War II that saved Josyfa Viter from execution, and she plunged back into her religious and national work. The abbess continued her charitable work, catechizing children in the underground church, and taking care of her sisters… Until the last days of her suffering life, she served people and God.
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