Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, series 4, ~46 minutes
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre Melodrama
Production company Intra Communications
Directors Maksim Meheda
Screenwriter Oleksandr Righov
Director of photography (DOP) Oleksandr Onoprіienko
Production Designer Vіktorіya Bіhunova
Composers Maksim KoshevarovOleksandr Maiev
Sound Directors Oleksіy MironchenkoDmitro Sinicya
Film editor Andrіy Trandіn
Сostume designer Svіtlana Kalashnik
Makeup artists Oksana Pіdoprihora
Second Director Yevhen Spіvak
Casting director Olena Prilіpko
Producer Serhіy DemidovІrina HorobecyMarіya AlekseievaSerhіy KarataievVіktor UmnovLeonard Yanovsykiy
Leading actors Dasha LeheidaDmitro SovaOleksii KhilskyiOlyha RadchukBohdan YusipchukYulіya Shuhar
Supporting Actors Dmytro HrytsaiRoman MahricykiyVіktor RibchinsykiyTamara AntropovaІrina LanovenkoOleksandr ValyukStanіslav MoskvіnNatalіya LyashenkoІlona BoykoAnatolіy SomikViacheslav VasyliukPetro BoykoOleksandr BodnarOksana VoskanianDmitro HarbuzMikola HrihorenkoSerhіy KucherenkoValerіya LevchenkoVolodymyr MarkovychAnna MikhaylichenkoYevheniia NechyporenkoYevhen OlіynikVasilina PalamarVladislav PisarenkoVіktor PoltoracykiyOleksandr RudenkoMaksim RighevolVasily SivohopYevhen SpіvakOlena TopolyDiana TishchenkoMaksim YakovlievHeorhіy Yarmolenko
Nastya is a pretty young woman who always looks feminine. She attracts men's eyes, charms them with her behavior and character, and can easily carry on any conversation. But for all her undeniable advantages, Nastia is still single. The age of 29 is called a "silent crisis". Illusions recede and the reality of life comes into sharp focus. Nastya has questions she needs to answer in order to regain confidence in herself and her life…
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