Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2024, series 4, ~46 minutes, TV channel 2+2
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Production company SFERA FILM
Directors Denis Tarasov
Screenwriter Mark Limarenko
Director of photography (DOP) Andrii Polyvanyi-Bukhtiiarov
Production Designer Vіtalіy Shamatіienko
Sound Directors Yevhenіy Suhomlin
Film editor Pavlo Serb
Сostume designer Іrina Ghurakіvsyka
Makeup artists Іrina Boycova
Second Director Svіtlana Maksimenkova
Casting director Oryna Petrova
Producer Dmytro SafanovskyiVadim ChervyakovSerhіy KarpenkoSerhіy Kizima
Executive Producers Roman OmelychukAnastasiia Chychmarenko
Line Producers Іraklіy Pazenko
Leading actors Іvan GhilyukAnastasіya PustovіtSerhіy KisіlyV'yacheslav Dovghenko
Supporting Actors Nykin FedotovOlena KnighenkoV'yacheslav BielozorovVolodimir KovalyІrina NakonechnaDіana HordaVіra HordaІnna MіroshnichenkoVolodimir HoncharovSerhіy ІvushkіnArtur AramyanOleksandr HannochenkoSerhіy SolopaySvіtlana ShtanykoArtem MyausVіktor GhdanovOleksandr OhrіcykiyArtem SahіtovDanil VolohIlya ProkopivDmytro SoloviovІrina BondarenkoMikola ButkovsykiyArtem TarasovDmitro UsovVeronica DiupinaRoman YasinovskyiSerhіy GhuravlyovVitaliy KrapivaVolodimir CivіnsykiyDmitro VіvcharyukOksana HrinykoAnna TambovaOleksandr PecheritsyaYaroslav LanchakІhor KachurSerhіy SmeyanYaroslav ShahtorіnKostyantin OktyabrsykiyVolodimir HladkiySerhіy Hanzenko
Post-production Producers Olyha Botova
The protagonist Oleksiy is an employee of a volunteer organization, a talented negotiator and analyst. Even before the full-scale invasion, he helped families separated by the front line, returned prisoners of war, and searched for missing persons. To achieve his goals, Oleksiy did not shy away from any connections, because his main goal was to help. However, in 2022, personally facing the atrocities of the Russian occupation forces and experiencing losses, he goes through a difficult path of internal transformation. His attitude to war, his worldview, and his principles change, which eventually leads to the collapse of his ideals.
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