Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2024, series 4, ~45-49 minutes, TV channel СТБ
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre Comedy
Production company TOV «Polіgon Fіlym»
Directors Miron Latik
Screenwriter Miron LatikOksana Ivanyuk
Director of photography (DOP) Anton BorisyukViacheslav Rakovskyi
Production Designer Anna Dovbush
Composers Alex Chorny
Sound Directors Andrіy Rudiy
Film editor Nazim Kadri-ZadeMiron Latik
Сostume designer Natalіya Stepanieieva
Makeup artists Lіlіana HomaDar'ya Yuzvenko
Second Director Іlona Hordіienko
Operator Oleksandr Kacovecy
Casting director Olena Artomova
Producer Oksana IvanyukMiron Latik
Executive Producers Oleksіy Zarghicykiy
Leading actors Andrіy ІsaienkoOstap StupkaAnastasіya CimbalaruOlena OleynіkovaOleksandr SchukіnAlybіna SotnikovaSerhіy ІvushkіnOleksandra PolyhuyOrest OhorodnikKhrystyna FedorakMykhailo Dziuba
Supporting Actors Andriy DanylkoInna BelokonOlena OlarSerhіy SolopayVeronіka Tischuk
Creation year 2023
Country Ukraine
Language Ukrainian
Premiere in Ukraine 07 january 2024
Budget ₴ 10 000 000
On New Year's Eve, in a tiny, cozy hotel in the Carpathians, fate, with the help of the hotel owner Ivan, brings very different people together. Valera, an Armed Forces soldier, is traveling from the front line to the border to talk his wife out of a divorce. Volunteer Tanya is trying to raise money for a batch of drones without much success and is in a hurry to get to customs. Blogger Lisa just wants to live her cloudless and cheerful pre-war life. Deputy Petrovich dreams of running away abroad with a suitcase of money. All of them have very different dreams and outlooks on life, but they will all celebrate the New Year together to understand what they really expect from the future.
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