Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2024, ~49 minutes, TV channel YouTube
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre Documentary
Production company Armіya TV
Directors Anhel Anhelov
Film editor Anhel Anhelov
Operator Anhel Anhelov
Producer Stanіslav Karpenko
Leading actors Anatolіy Sachivko
Speakers Mihaylo Voychuk
Special Operations Forces are one of the most mythologized and mysterious branches of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. They are the military elite of the state, consisting of the most motivated fighters. Their faces are forbidden to be shown in the media and social networks, their names, and surnames are classified. This is because each of these fighters poses a threat to the existence of our enemy, Russia. Through their tactical actions, the Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers are able to achieve success at the operational and strategic level.
An ethos is a set of prevailing values, a code of conduct that is strictly adhered to by the fighters. The ethos of the Special Operations Forces consists of concepts such as freedom, courage, dignity, self-control, brotherhood, and loyalty to the oath.
The first episode is dedicated to one of the most powerful units of the Special Operations Forces (SOF) - the Third Separate Special Forces Regiment, named after Prince Sviatoslav the Brave.
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