Format TV series
Number of seasons 2
Season 1, рік 2024, series 24, ~28 minutes, TV channel Київстар ТБ
Season 2, рік 2025, series 24
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre Drama
Production company Dalі bude fіlmz
Directors Alex Yesakov
Screenwriter Yaroslav StenyBohdan HacilyakKyrylo Tymchenko
Director of photography (DOP) Timofіy Avramchuk
Composers Dmitro Saratsykiy
Sound Directors Dmitro Teryohіn
Film editor Alex YesakovVіktor Hrinchuk
Makeup artists Olena Klieshchova
Second Director Anna Savchuk
Operator Andrіy Leonenko
Casting director Olena Prilіpko
Producer Іrina KurchakovaOleksandr ZhuravskyiYaroslav Steny
Executive Producers Katerina Shvecy
Creative Producers Bohdan HacilyakKirilo Timoshenko
Leading actors Volodimir RaschukKaterina VarchenkoAndrіy SamіnіnІhor PortyankoDmytro PavkoAnastasіya NesterenkoEvhenii LamakhAnastasіya ІvanyukValerіy KovalyVasyl RohivDanilo StashkіvAndrіy FedorukKirilo HanіnYaroslav StenyBohdan Hacilyak
Supporting Actors Julia ChemerisVіtalіy ІvanchenkoYurіy HromoviyMihaylo KrishtalyOleh ІvanicyaIryna Kudashova Viacheslav VasyliukVolodimir HoncharovKarolіna MruhaOleksіy CherevatenkoTetiana BaitalenkoAndrіy MakarchenkoYurii KukharenkoMarharita BahtіnaVolodimir HalyukVіtalіy SlucykiyPavlo ShevchukYaroslav BezkorovaynyiSerhіy SmeyanSerhіy GhuravlyovSerhіy KorshikovPetro KrylovArtem BochekBohdan BorisenkoYevhenіy Hrihor'ievBohdan OsadchukVіktorіia Bіlan-RashchukMaksym KyrychenkoKonstantin Mikhno
Post-production Producers Kateryna Fedoseyeva
Future border guards come from different parts of Ukraine and for different reasons to join the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. Some are continuing a family tradition, some are doing it for the company of a school friend, and some have made this decision after completing their military service. The cadets' mentor, Ivan Krynytskyi, uses his own methodology to turn yesterday's “yard boys” into real combat officers.
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