A Sentimental Journey to the Parajanov Planet

80 minutes - Ukraine - 2024

Status At the stage of production

No trailer

Format TV movie

Category Full-length documentary

Genre Documentary

Production company Іllienko Fіlym

Directors Taras Tomenko

Screenwriter Taras Tomenko

Director of photography (DOP) Yurіy Dunay

Production Designer Shevket Seydametov

Composers Alex Chorny

Sound Directors Roman Homenyuk

Film editor Oleksіy Shamіn

Producer Philip IllienkoAndriy RyzvanіukLuk'yan Halkіn

Creation year 2024

Country Ukraine

Language Ukrainian

Documentary hommage to Sergei Parajanov, a renowned filmmaker and brilliant artist, on the occasion of his 100 anniversary. Embark on a mesmerizing journey into the world of Sergei Parajanov, and witness the blend of unique archive material with surrealistic puppetry scenes, seamlessly blurring the lines between imagination and reality.

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