Format Film
Category Full-length documentary
Genre Documentary
Production company KNIFE! Films
Distributor FILM.UA Distribution
Directors Artem Hrihoryan
Screenwriter Yaroslav Korotkov
Director of photography (DOP) Ilya Mikhaylus
Composers Myhailo Klymenko (II)Maksym Sikalenko
Sound Directors Dmitro Oleksyuk
Film editor Artem Hrihoryan
Operator Borys Borysov (II)Oleksii Lieskov
Producer Maksym Serdiuk
Line Producers Maksim Іschenko
Creation year 2024
Country Ukraine
Language Ukrainian
Premiere in Ukraine 16 may 2024
Rental in Ukraine with 16 may 2024
In 2001, a group of young developers from Kyiv embarked on a mission to create the most challenging computer game ever – with realistic graphics, an open world, and an unusual plot set amidst the backdrop of the Chornobyl Zone.
Hundreds of thousands awaited S.T.A.L.K.E.R's release from the beginning of its promotional campaign, but the developers became prisoners of their ambitions. They endlessly refined the game, repeatedly postponing its launch year after year. But at one point, the American publisher's patience ran out.
This story is about the video game industry, passion for work, and a project that transcended screens and became a pop culture phenomenon.
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