Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2024, series 4, ~45 minutes
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre Dramedia
Production company Ukrainian Producers Hub (UPHub)
Directors Denis Tarasov
Screenwriter Mikola RibalkaOleksіy Komarovsykiy
Director of photography (DOP) Eugene Kirey
Production Designer Dіana Todoratyieva
Sound Directors Valentin Timoschenko
Film editor Artem Suhariev (II)
Сostume designer Yana Nіkіtenko
Makeup artists Serhіy Maurіn
Second Director Yaroslava Holovko
Casting director Irma TzarevaІrina Kolesnik
Producer Viktori BurdukovaYuriy ArtemenkoOlga Panteleymonova
Executive Producers Іvan Toropov
Line Producers Yevhenіy Serebrenіkov
Leading actors Lesya SamaievaAndrіy PonomarenkoElyzara BatalovaAndrіy RomanіyMihaylo KukuyukOstap StupkaYurіy HrebelynikHrihorіy Bokovenko
Supporting Actors Bohdan RubanVeronіka Luk'yanenkoІvan SharanV'yacheslav BielozorovSerhіy GhuravlyovOleksandr Mironov (II)Ihor AronovOleksandr BatalovDenys DrachevskyiSerhіy KisіlyOlga KiiashkoShoher KurhіnyanSerhіy KucherenkoTamara MorozovaOleksandr OhrіcykiyDenis TarasovІhor Halіzov
A swindler real estate agent sells the same house twice to two families fleeing the war – a Crimean Tatar family and a Ukrainian one from Donbas. Completely different in their ways of thinking, traditions, and religions, they have nothing to do but learn to live under the same roof, trying to overcome the differences and often competing for being the boss in their shared home.
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