Format Film
Category Full-length documentary
Genre Documentary
Production company UM-Group
Directors Olesia Morhunets-Isaienko
Screenwriter Taras Lazer
Director of photography (DOP) Eugene Kirey
Production Designer Olga Gavrylova
Composers Oksana MorhunecyMaksim PalamarchukIryna Lazer
Sound Directors Serhii Avdieiev
Film editor Roman Senchuk
Producer Artem Denisov
Leading actors Taras LazerAndrіy MostrenkoVіktor LafarovichMihaylo KukuyukKaterina BіlikKaterina KachanMihaylo HronsykiyVolodimir Zozulya
Supporting Actors Pavlo VaksyutenkoYaroslav ShabelynikValerіy KovalenkoBohdan PrivertSerhіy MuhіnYaroslav PavlishenecySerhіy BіlousYevhen BondarenkoOleh SamchenkoVladislav KudricykiyVadim PerevishkoOleksii KolesnykBohdan YavdoschukOleksandr SavicykiyAndrіy SavicykiyValerіy TeleshovMikita PlyutoІllya SuhovRoman SlobodyanyukAndrіy PrihodchenkoRoman DobrovolysykiyOleksandr VіnіchenkoІhor ShpakovichDenis Dobrovolysykiy
Soundtrack Iryna Lazer
Creation year 2019
Country Ukraine
Language Ukrainian
Premiere in Ukraine 28 may 2019
Budget ₴ 3 468 235
The film dialogue reproduces the thoughts and views of the UPA insurgent and the Polish partisan AK (Army of Krajova). These battle-hardened warriors waged a fierce debate about the history of their peoples in the twentieth century and, in particular, between 1939 and 1946, when they fought bravely against the invaders and were tortured by the Soviet NKVD and the German SS. In the horrific swirl of endless battles on all fronts of the UPA and AK, they collided with each other. But after years of mutual resentment, Ukrainians and Poles finally realized the terrible external imperialist threat, understood each other and began to fight the invaders together. On the night of May 28, 1946, an attack was carried out on the NKVD-controlled city of Hrubieszów, one of the largest military operations carried out by the UPA in conjunction with AK successors, the Polish rebels from Vinnitsa (Will and Independence).
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