Format TV movie
Category Full-length
Production company SFERA FILM
Directors Yuliia Pavlova
Screenwriter Oleksandra SmіlyansykaHala Rubіnshteyn
Director of photography (DOP) Sergii Revutskyi
Production Designer Oleksandr Bateniev
Sound Directors Mihaylo Lyulieiev
Film editor Vіktor Hrinchuk
Сostume designer Іrina Ghurakіvsyka
Makeup artists Іrina Boycova
Second Director Denis Korablov
Casting director Oryna Petrova
Producer Irina KhranovskayaAnastasіya ShteynhauzDmytro SafanovskyiVadim Chervyakov
Executive Producers Roman Omelychuk
Creative Producers Dmytro Khrypun
Line Producers Іraklіy Pazenko
Leading actors Іvan GhilyukSerhіy SolopayValerіya Fokіna
Supporting Actors Idan RevutskyiOleksandr MelynikІrina BondarenkoMariia MorozDayana KulbidaOleh KorkushkoKaterina ArtemenkoValerii VelychkoAndrіy AlyohіnOryna PetrovaYurіy HromoviyArtur AramyanKostyantin Danilyuk
Police lieutenant Ostap Mazur is investigating a complicated case on New Year's Eve. He gets his future father-in-law, Captain Yuriy Kovalenko, as a partner, who does not consider the guy worthy of his daughter Lana. Despite their personal conflict, the heroes will have to work together, because the life of their loved one, Lana, is at stake. Will the men be able to find a common language to solve the case, save the capital and the New Year's holiday?
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