Format Film
Category Full-length documentary
Genre Документально-просвітницький
Production company Nash Prodakshn LTD
Directors Oleg Volodkevich
Screenwriter Bohdan Gholdak
Director of photography (DOP) Yurіy Mescheryakov
Production Designer Yurіy Larіonov
Composers Vlada Kuprіyanova
Sound Directors Yevhen Bednenko
Film editor Natalіya Shevchuk (II)
Сostume designer Oksana Maslennіkova
Producer Natalіya Shevchuk (II)
Leading actors Serhіy SafronchikVadym MitreaevYurіy YakushaOksana RusіnaAlіna KopyovaSerhіy Bortnik
Voice acting Natalіya Shevchuk (II)Andrіy SeredaYurіy YakushaVadym MitreaevDanіely Shevchuk
Creation year 2021
Country Ukraine
Language Ukrainian
Premiere in Ukraine 14 june 2021
Budget ₴ 2 257 410
The eighteenth century. Rumors spread in Galicia about the arrival of an outstanding sculptor invited by Count Potocki himself to decorate churches. Everything that the master's hand touches, whether wood or stone, begins to live.
XXI century. The found sculptures of the forgotten master Pinzel amaze the whole world. What is their secret and what path have they traveled for almost three hundred years?
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