
16 minutes - Ukraine - 2013

Status Completed


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0
No trailer

Format Film

Category Short

Genre Drama

Production company Vіatel

Directors Nіkon Romanchenko

Screenwriter Nіkon Romanchenko

Director of photography (DOP) Taras Mіskіv

Leading actors Maksim SemenyachenkoDіna BakrіStanіslav SuknenkoVіktor Krisyko

Creation year 2013

Country Ukraine

Language Ukrainian

Premiere in Ukraine 23 october 2013

Rental in Ukraine with 05 march 2015

Father and son, who hardly talk to each other, meet again. But this time their meeting is almost fatal. The boy can't stand it either ... The son, without saying a word, lights the fireworks as the only symbol of his existence.

The film is one of the short films from Young Ukrainian Cinema. Almanac # 2, Youth and Parents and Children.

Movie shots

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