Tourist Ukraine in space and time

57 minutes - Ukraine - 2021

Status Completed

Format Film

Category Full-length documentary

Genre Video poetry

Directors Sergii Salomatin

Screenwriter Sergii Salomatin

Director of photography (DOP) Sergii Salomatin

Composers Oleksіy Mіkryukov

Producer Sergii Salomatin

Photographer Sergii Salomatin

Creation year 2021

Country Ukraine

Language Ukrainian

World Premiere 19 august 2021

Premiere in Ukraine 19 august 2021

Documentary about Ukraine, its life for four seasons in the year. The film shows its annual cycle as an independent organism - from waking up in the spring, through the riot of summer, autumn's aesthetics, and winter's fading. To show through the iconic tourist attractions of Ukraine, its metamorphoses during the day and from season to season.

Movie shots

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