Format TV movie
Category Full-length
Production company Star Media
Directors Mikola Mihaylov
Screenwriter Natalіya Habarova
Director of photography (DOP) Anatolіy HimichOleksandr Makarenko (III)
Production Designer Yevhen Pіtenіn
Composers Timur Polyansykiy
Sound Directors Vіtalіy Caryov
Film editor Andrіy Hulyanich
Сostume designer Olena Hresy
Makeup artists Lіna Kіndzersyka
Second Director Dmitro Abolmasov
Operator Oleksandr Himich
Casting director Anna Dehusar
Producer Larisa GhuravsykaVladyslav Riashyn
Executive Producers Vadim Ghuk
Leading actors Olena KsenofontovaStanіslav BondarenkoAnatolіy GhuravlyovKaterina KabakOleksandr SіhuievRaisa RyazanovaAnghelіka Volysyka
Supporting Actors Sergey RomanyukMihaylo VasykovKostyantin ShaforenkoOlesia ZhurakivskaOleksіy VertinsykiyKateryna KuznetsovaVolodimir CherednіchenkoVіktor ShvecyAnatolіy BokovenkoValentin Tomusyak
A story of Irena, a woman of 37, being a mother of 2 children − a boy of 12 and a girl of 16 − who passionately falls in love with a young guy Andrey, a former Secret Service man, who is an absolute polarity to her weak-willed husband. As a result of dramatic twists and turns, her husband dies of a heart attack, her children abandon her, and she retires to a monastery as a lay sister. Andrey keeps loyalty to his love, and starts caring of Irena's children, which results in Irene taking the decision to revert to the world again.
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