Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2022, series 44, ~45 minutes, TV channel СТБ
Rating 3.25%
Fraction 16.81%
Genre Action movie
Production company Speys Prodakshn
Directors Natalіya Titova
Director of photography (DOP) Volodimir Huievsykiy
Producer Nataliia StrybukVіktorіya KorohodDar'ya Lehonі-FіalkoKaterina Laskarі
Executive Producers Olena Lіsnyak
Creative Producers Natalіya Titova
Leading actors Arthur CorvoRoman MulenkoKate SkripkoMіla RimaryOleksandr FormanchukYevhen SіnchukovAleksandr MavritsMarho Balasanyan
Supporting Actors Natalia SmirnovaTetiana SydorchukAnastasia DemianenkoRymma TyshkevychLesya LіfantіyAnna PetrashYevhen OliinykAnton KocherhaNadiia MarinkaVadym GoldanovVadym PavlenkoMarina LialinaAndrey MordovetsOleksandra Kovalenko
Voice acting V'yacheslav Skorik
The story focuses on a special department in law enforcement agencies whose officers patrol the waters and fight poaching. They are also responsible for solving crimes committed on and near the water.
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