Format Film
Category Full-length documentary
Genre Documentary
Production company TOV «NІCAHON»
Directors Volodimir Ribasy
Screenwriter Іlarіon Pavlyuk
Director of photography (DOP) Oleh RohoghaVіktor Cherkasov
Production Designer Roman Lisak
Composers Serhіy Mohilevsykiy
Sound Directors Andrіy Barba
Film editor Volodimir RibasyDmitro Prihodyko
Сostume designer Hanna Marchenko
Makeup artists Svіtlana Muzika
Operator Mikhail Tіtov (II)Pilip Tіtov
Producer Іlarіon PavlyukOleh RohoghaVolodimir RibasyNatalіya SimonіnaІrina BubnovaOlena KanishevskaOlyha Sіnyahovsyka
Executive Producers Serhіy CirikHrihorіy Tichina
Host Іlarіon Pavlyuk
Voice acting Andrіy Tverdak
Casting Managers Kostyantin Prokopenko
According to scientists, 99% of children are born genius, but only 3% realize their potential. What’s the cause of the children’s success, education or cognitive peculiarities?
The unique project by TV channel ‘Ukraine’ will tell you what to do with children that don’t behave and how to make your child successful.
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