Format Film
Category Full-length documentary
Genre Documentary
Production company Іnspіreyshn Fіlmz
Directors Sergii Masloboishchykov
Screenwriter Sergii Masloboishchykov
Director of photography (DOP) Bohdan Verghbicykiy
Sound Directors Katerina HerasimchukDmitro Skripka
Operator Marina LyapіnaSvіtlana Zіnov'ievaMihaylo Іllienko
Producer Svіtlana Zіnov'ieva
Soundtrack Viktor Kosenko
The film features a "collective portrait of the ordinary creators of the Revolution of Dignity 2013-2014 and their individual opponents" and consists of numerous interviews of supporters and opponents of the Maidan, through which the modern history is impartially captured. Sincere stories of completely different people on both sides of the barricades, different thoughts, hopes. The Ukrainian Argument offers thought-provoking topics and asks questions that the viewer will answer, each in his own way.
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