Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre Drama
Production company mental dRive studio
Directors Sergii Masloboishchykov
Screenwriter Sergii Masloboishchykov
Director of photography (DOP) Bohdan Verghbicykiy
Production Designer Volodimir Lyubiy
Composers Oleksandr BehmaRoman Vyshnevskyi
Sound Directors Vasily Yavtushenko
Сostume designer Kateryna Markush
Makeup artists Tetyana Horoshun
Second Director Novruz Hіkmet
Operator Kostyantin Tereshkov
Producer Oleksіy Moskalenko
Line Producers Іrina ShmotolohaYuliia ChumakAmina Gadzhiyeva
Leading actors Alla SerhiikoKhrystyna Fedorak
Supporting Actors Natalіya SumsykaLarisa TroyanovsykaOleksandr KrighanіvsykiyIvan SharanMarina KoshkinaOleksandr YaremaRoman YasinovskyiOleksandr BehmaDavid PetrosyanVolodimir KuznecovPetro NinovskyiLev SomovMaksym Koptiev
Visual effects supervisors Oleksіy Moskalenko
Soundtrack Jordi Savall Hespérion XXI
Creation year 2024
Country Ukraine
Language Ukrainian
World Premiere 16 july 2024
Premiere in Ukraine 16 july 2024
Events take place in Ukraine and are narrated in the form of a confessional story of the two women, that share their grief. Hanna (mother) and Darka (girlfriend) are united by the memories of Danya who died in 2014 on the Maidan. Hanna’s life path goes from a Maidan activist in 2004 to a high-level official in 2014. Darka and Danya were Maidan activists in 2014. Through the relationship and talks of two women it turns out that Hanna was associated with the corruption schemes that led to mafia revenge and ended with the Revolution of Dignity in 2014. Which brought the death of her only son.
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