Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre Comedy
Production company FILM.UA Group
Distributor Kinomania
Directors Oleh Zborovskyi
Screenwriter Artur LermanV'yacheslav OstrovcevHarіk Bіrcha
Director of photography (DOP) Oleksіy LamahMikola Іllyushin
Producer Іrina KostyukVіktorіya KorohodNadіya KorotushkaNatalіya Stribuk
Line Producers Petro Tsytsylin
Leading actors Yurіy TkachOlena KravecyAndrіy ІsaienkoІrina HatunMihaylo GhonіnOleksіy ZavhorodnіyIlya Paladin PaladinMarharita Krupіna-BinkovskaVeronіka Luk'yanenkoAleks BerezovsykiyValerіy ShvecyVladislav PisarenkoAndriy DanylkoInna BelokonAndrіy PyatovYevhen Konoplyanka
Creation year 2022
Country Ukraine
Language Ukrainian
Premiere in Ukraine 05 october 2023
Rental in Ukraine with 05 october 2023
Budget ₴ 17 000 000
Box office Ukraine (for all period) ₴ 18 584 394
Spectators in cinemas 130516
The comedy plot unfolds around two totally different families: the Dragomanov working in culture and the Nalyvaychenko who are local businessmen. On a spring weekend they decide to go for a traditional open-air barbecue and by virtue of destiny arrive at the same clearing each family considers theirs. A quarrel starts between them, quickly transforming into a grotesque war for a barbecue spot. Unexpectedly, a third claimant for the territory arrives; this is a bribe taker on the run who hid his money in this same clearing and takes the youngest children from both family's hostage, demanding to give back the money that disappeared from the hideout.
Tricks, frame ups and oppositions, adventures, unexpected guests and crazy money, different views not only on barbecue marinade recipes but also on the right ways to live. This is a story telling us that no matter how different we are and how much we quarrel, we are always a united, powerful force in the face of a common threat.
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