Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2011, series 12, ~50 minutes, TV channel Інтер
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre Melodrama
Production company FILM.UA GroupIntra Communications
Directors Hanna Hresy
Screenwriter Іhor Aheiev
Director of photography (DOP) Maksim Stepanov
Production Designer Vіktor BuchkovsykiyYulіya Havrilova
Composers Oleksіy Karpov
Sound Directors Volodimir Yehorov (III)
Film editor Veronіka Aref'ieva
Сostume designer Yulіya Havrilova
Makeup artists Olyha Ahtarnіya
Producer Mihaylo BarkanVolodimir ІssatSerhіy KarataievVіktor MirsykiyVіktor UmnovLeonard Yanovsykiy
Executive Producers Serhіy Demidov
Leading actors Svіtlana Smirnova-MarcinkevichKirilo GhandarovOleksandra TyufteyNatalіya SurkovaBoris KamorzіnAlla MaslennіkovaYevhen YefremovYurіs LaucіnyshTimofіy TribuncevMіhal GhebrovsykiyPetro Tomashevsykiy
Supporting Actors Olesia ZhurakivskaІvan HubanovVіtalіna BіblіvAnna AndreievaІnna MіroshnichenkoMarіya ValieshnaKostyantin KorecykiyKaterina KіstenyMaksim MaksimyukVolodimir CivіnsykiyNatalіya KorecykaHalina SemenenkoYurіy VisocykiyYaroslav HerusOleksіy KoshivecyVolodimir ZozulyaOleh RoienkoVіtalіy SalіyAndrіy ParhomenkoPetro SovaAndrіy ІsaienkoAndrіy PavlenkoHanna YaremchukVіktor KoshevenkoLyudmila SmorodіnaVolodimir HladkiyMykola DanyliukAndrіy ValensykiyІrina Kalashnіkova (Melnyk)Yevhenіya SavenkovaDanilo VelechkovsykiyValerіy AntonyukVolodimir KotlyarMayya KuzymіshinaOleksandr KlaunіnhOlena UzlyukOlena Bondarieva-Riepіna
The daily life of Marina Burtseva from the provincial town of Rybatsky is not very different from the lives of thousands of the same ordinary girls living in the hinterland of a large Soviet country. Her father breaks down under the blows of fate – first the death of his wife, then the loss of work – and slowly sings from the futility and meaninglessness of his existence. And when there is an opportunity to earn on his own daughter, without thinking, he sells Marina to earn money in the city. But having a strong character, the girl does not give up.
Marina's life is a series of difficult tests. Being a sold own father, deceived by a loved one, betrayed by friends, having lost faith in others, will she be able to find reasons to continue living, to fight for her future, to forgive and to love again? How many trials can one person suffer and what is the price of happiness? For the heroine of the series, reflections on this subject are not rhetorical searches for the meaning of life, these are questions that she has to answer every minute to survive.
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