Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre Drama
Production company Joy FilmsOdesa Film Studio
Directors Stanіslav HurenkoAndrіy Alferov
Screenwriter Oleksandr KachanAndrіy AlferovVladislav Micovsykiy
Director of photography (DOP) Oleksandr Boiko
Production Designer Volodimir Shvidenko
Composers Yevhen Halyperіn
Sound Directors Іnnokentіy Zapotochniy
Film editor Maks MіklіnStanіslav HurenkoYevhen Alferov
Сostume designer Olena Rukavіshnіkova
Casting director Olga Lyubarova
Producer Oleksandr OmelianovAndrіy OsipovYurіy KalinovsykiyAndrіy AlferovOleksandr Rodnyansykiy
Leading actors Oleksandr PrischepaVictoria RomashkoDmitro YaroshenkoVasily MazurІhor Halіzov
Supporting Actors Vіktor ShestakovArtemiy ZelenskiiDariia TvoronovichOleh StefanRuslan KovalOleksandr HannochenkoІhor Halіzov
Creation year 2024
Country Ukraine
Language Ukrainian
World Premiere 27 november 2024
Budget ₴ 27 000 000
Oleg, a former soldier in the Ukrainian Insurgent Army that fought against both Nazi Germany and the communist Soviet Union for Ukrainian independence during World War II. After an amnesty deal is reached, Oleg is released from prison camp and returns to Ukraine, where he tries to find his place in peacetime society.
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