Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2023, series 4, ~45 minutes, TV channel ICTV2
Rating 0%
Fraction 10.7%
Genre Action movie
Production company SFERA FILM
Directors Zaza Buadze
Screenwriter Mark LimarenkoTaras Antypovych
Director of photography (DOP) Yurіy Hruzіnov
Production Designer Oleksandr Danilenko
Sound Directors Andrіy BarbaVladislav Simonov
Film editor Volodimir Zapryahalov
Сostume designer Oleksandra Ghuravlyova (II)
Makeup artists Olena Blaghiievsyka
Operator Dmitro Hasanov
Casting director Іrina Sultanova
Producer Dmytro SafanovskyiVadim ChervyakovInessa SobolevaIrina KhranovskayaAnastasіya Shteynhauz
Executive Producers Roman Omelychuk
Leading actors Serhіy StrelynikovOleksandra EpshteynArthur CorvoAnna AdamovychSerhii LeforPavlo TupіkovSergii DzialykMihaylo Ghonіn
Supporting Actors Danilo MіreshkіnOleh ShulhaPavlo MoskalyArsen BosenkoMaksim DanyshinSerhіy SmeyanІhor ZaharchukSerhіy PozdnyakovRoman FedosieievVolodymyr KovbelVitalii HordiienkoTimur AslanovRoman DebrіnOleksandra DudovsykaOrest PastuhMihaylo KolivanovMiroslav PavlіchenkoSerhii HutkoVyacheslav ShehovcovIhor RaievskyiAkhmed EsmurziievRoman HalaimovAlla MartinyukIlya ProkopivHorhіy ZaychkovsykiyOstap DziadekYevhen Oliinyk
Casting Managers Valerіya Boycova
The series takes place before Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
The main character, Sensei, is the head of a new SBU special unit called Sturm, a rapid response investigative team that combats crimes against Ukraine's national security. The unique group is made up of young fighters, generalists who also have combat experience on the front line: hand-to-hand combat and covert infiltration specialist Max, versatile soldier and sniper Donatas, explosives specialist Ivanka, forensic expert and paramedic Halyna, cybersecurity technician Dum. Together, the heroes will expose the complex operations of dangerous terrorists and even global criminals.
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