Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2021, series 16, ~45-46 minutes, TV channel Україна
Rating 6.09%
Fraction 20.08%
Production company Plan B Prodakshn
Directors Denis Tarasov
Screenwriter Іnna SokolovaІhor Osipov
Director of photography (DOP) Eugene Kirey
Production Designer Roman KudrinSvitlana Kudrina
Composers Serhіy Mohilevsykiy
Сostume designer Iren Bikman
Makeup artists Serhіy Maurіn
Casting director Olyha DovhanyDіana Dovhany
Producer Yulіya KusherVіktorіya KorohodІrina ChernyakNataliia Strybuk
Executive Producers Dmitro Koghema
Line Producers Oleksandr Chetirkіn
Leading actors Ksenіya MіshinaValerіy NіkolaievKirilo RubcovVіktor AndrіienkoDmytro SovaOleksandr PіskunovDmitro Paleiev-BarmansykiyV'yacheslav DovghenkoMyroslava FilipovychVіtalіy SalіyRoman MacyutaAndrіy ІsaienkoPavlo AldoshinSerhіy GhuravlyovDmitro HavrilovYevhenіy LіsnichiyOles KatsionPolina NosykhinaHalina Kobzar-SlobodyukV'yacheslav BielozorovDasha Leheida
Supporting Actors Andrii DebrinOleksandr ZarubeiRuslan NeupokoievTetyana PechenkіnaP. ZurekViktoria VishnevskayaYurіi TeteValerіya HulyaievaMaria ShtofaAlexandra PashkovaOleh RudenkoOlga SkorohodovaJulia GapchukYurіy RebrikOlena NovikovaIvan VoronyiTetyana KosyanchukMihaylo VoychukOleksandra KіrieievaArthur AliyevValentyna SerheievaSerhіy SavenkovVasyl ZvierievIgor NazarovVolodymyr MarkovychPetro HіmіchDariana DontsovaDmitro BurmaViacheslav VasyliukRoman DebrіnTaisіya-Oksana SchurukVladislav OnіschenkoOlexandr SimochevTimur NіzameievYevhen SіnchukovІvan HubanovYaroslav HerusAlybert MalіkSerhіy KisіlyAndrіy RomanіyAndrіy ZroghevsykiyDaria SokoliukIhor SadovyiOleksandr BondarukAnna AdamovychІhor BondarenkoYevhen PaperniyOlga OrlovaLev DolubekovL. KuharukVitaliy TeplyukDarina BocmanovaYurіy FrehanDanіl ShevchenkoLarisa UmancevaІ. PіdvalynaTamara MorozovaRoman YasinovskyiRoman ViskrebencevMihaylo KrulySerhіy SolopayKseniia KozhukhovaAlіsa KlyushkіnaKateryna UstynovaBorislav BorisenkoHanna Aleksandrovich (Samіnіna)Pavlo LevytskyiKseniia KomkovaVeronica DiupinaStanіslav GhuraRoman VoronіnElina YukovaSerhіy BoykoOksana BorbatYevhen YefremovOleksandr KulіshVladіslav TenenbaumVadym DundaPavlo KostіcinArtem PoznyakO. MasnіkKateryna ChikinaVіktorіia Bіlan-RashchukSerhіy BulіnValerii HaifullinGlib MatsiboraArtem MyausKaterina FaynArtem ІhnatovYurіy HrechaniyV'yacheslav YevtushenkoOleksandr BozhkoDarina RighukAntonina MakarchukPetro BoykoKsenіya NіkolaievaKostyantin ChornokrilyukOlena RechichІvan GhilyukAnna LebedievaPavlo VishnyakovOlha TsitsilinskaSvіtlana HoroshkovaOleksii PolishchukOlena HighnaDaniіl KamensykiyDmitro HarbuzOleksii ZorinAleksei AgeevStanіslav MoskvіnVіktor SaraykіnV'yacheslav DudkoRoman YakimchukOlena RomanovaArtur AramyanMihaylo RomanovYurii KarabakDar'ya HrachovaMihaylo PlavakHeorhіy YarmolenkoO. BaydaІhor PіsniyDaniil SushkoNіna HalenaNatalіya YefremovaPetro NinovskyiІllya PelyukMikola KіkotyKyrylo ParastaievYurіy KozlovOleksandr SokurKirilo ChernyakovIlia VishnevetskyRudolf DzirukІ. HoloduhіnaAndrіy NovichenkoAnastasia DemianenkoAndrii KlymenkovValerіy HerasimenkoSerhіy PozdnyakovRymma TyshkevychOleksii SeverynBohdan YusipchukV'yacheslav VietkovsykiyІrina BalanPolіna VasilinaKaterina BratchinaYehor SnіhirVladislav NіkіtyukAlіna ProcenkoO. VasilyukArtur NovikovPolina FrolovaOlena KurtaTetyana MarshtupaMaksim DalekoreyOleh SekretaryovGaluna SviataVolodimir BurkovsykiyDanil Volokh
The main character Tamara every day, despite external circumstances: trouble at work, conflict with the new management of the substation, the pressure of crime in the city, and complete discord in personal life, especially the Doctor with a capital letter, and always puts patients first.
Communicating with the city's crime also adds to the girl's extreme life.
Tamara is forced to solve several tasks at once, risking being exposed, hiding the reason for her travels from her daughter and colleagues. In general, the main character will not be bored ...
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