Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, series 24, ~45 minutes
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Production company SFERA FILM
Directors Valerіy Іbrahіmov
Screenwriter Іhor ShvecovDmitro Lisenko
Director of photography (DOP) Oleksandr Krishtalovich
Production Designer Oleksіy Hlazov
Sound Directors Oleksandr Lіberman
Film editor Serhіy Tuzyuk
Сostume designer Іrina Ghurakіvsyka
Makeup artists Іnha Casyuk
Second Director Olyha Sidorenko
Operator Vasily Gherebilo
Casting director Іrina Sultanova
Producer Dmytro SafanovskyiVadim ChervyakovSerhіy Kizima
Executive Producers Roman OmelychukOlesya PazenkoOksana Yanko-Kovalenko
Line Producers Vasily Gherebilo
Leading actors Dmitro PalamarchukVeronіka MіshaievaAnatoly Fon-FіlandraIhor PazychVolodimir RaschukOleg VoloschenkoSerhіy VorobyovAlex TritenkoYaroslav HurevichPavlo MoskalyNadiia LevchenkoMiroslav PavlіchenkoІrina BondarenkoRoman SobolevsykiyValentina VoytenkoSerhіy KucheraSerhіy DetyukVladislava HliebaOleksii Komarovskyi
Supporting Actors Serhii ZolochevskyiRoman Papush
Casting Managers Valerіya Boycova
A plot story about the head of the criminal investigation department Yegor Horsky and his team, who from ordinary operatives become employees of the "special powers department". Having received the new status, the team led by a reliable, active and dedicated Gorsky has a unique chance - independently, without undue red tape and coordination with the leadership to "develop" the most dangerous gangs and conduct investigations according to their own rules. They are tougher but effective. But having gained unlimited power and all the power of the "police car", it becomes increasingly difficult for them to restrain themselves so as not to cross the border ...
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