Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2016, series 16, ~25 minutes, TV channel 1+1
Rating 4.41%
Fraction 10.35%
Genre Comedy
Production company 1+1 media
Directors Semen Horov
Screenwriter Anton LіrnikMikita HluschenkoSerhіy LuschikHalust Mazmanyan
Director of photography (DOP) Denis Svoyak
Production Designer Hanna Prisich
Composers Serhіy Mohilevsykiy
Sound Directors Volodimir Yacura
Film editor Shota HamіsonіyaSerhіy TuzyukDmitro Staniev
Сostume designer Іrina HerhelyVictoria Cherepeynik
Second Director Alіna YacikOlga Larina
Operator Іhor HіlevichDmitro SannіkovMaksim Varava
Casting director Tetyana Bushunova
Producer Olena VasilyievaAnton LіrnikOleksandr Tkachenko (III)
Executive Producers Nadіya MirnaSerhіy Chudaiev
Creative Producers Serhіy LuschikTetyana Yablonsyka
Leading actors Kostyantin OktyabrsykiyKaterina VostrіkovaVolodimir HoryansykiyOlyha SumsykaVolodimir NіkolaienkoLesia SamaievaNіna AntonovaStasya RovіnsykaAndrіy KronhlevsykiyDenys Martynov
Supporting Actors Yurіy HorbunovKaterina RubashkіnaYevheniia MiakenkaDmitro OskіnOlyha RadchukKsenіya HighnyakVolodymyr RashchukKaterina Kіsteny
In order to make an impression on his bride’s parents, a young groom agrees to spend one week at their house. He is forced to pretend he likes their jokes and cuisine. In their return, the bride’s parents have to pretend they approve their daughter’s choice. What will come out of this?
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