Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2016, series 4, ~45 minutes, TV channel Україна
Rating 7.53%
Fraction 17.7%
Production company UPS
Directors Volodimir Harchenko-Kulіkovsykiy
Screenwriter Edіna Umerova Leonіd Amіrov
Director of photography (DOP) Yevgeniy Adamenko
Production Designer Dmitro Ghmurko
Composers Roman Dudchik
Sound Directors Іhor LatushkіnMihaylo Petrenko (II)Іhor YashinIhor Kazmirchuk
Film editor Vіktor Pohorielov
Сostume designer Іnha Hruslova
Makeup artists Volodimir Panchuk
Second Director Alіna Bedenko
Casting director Vіktorіya Righko
Producer Іrina Zarya
Executive Producers Іrina Chemerіs
Leading actors Olena ShilovaOleksandr PashkovMihaylo KrishtalyKostyantin OktyabrsykiyHalina KornieievaVіtalіna Bіblіv
Supporting Actors Andrіy MostrenkoYana HluschenkoOleksіy CherevatenkoSerhіy KalantayVіtalіy ІvanchenkoKaterina VishnevaOleh TrepovsykiySerhіy GhuravlyovYurіy HrebelynikDenis RodnyansykiyIhor SalimonovOleh MoskalenkoІnna ProkopenkoDenis FalyutaAndrii KlymenkovVіktor VoroncovAnna PetrashOleksandr SpіrіnOleksii PashchenkoPetro BoykoVadim KuzloLorena Kolіbabchuk
After the death of her father, Lera is left alone. Whimsical and spoiled, she can only hang out nicely. Therefore, he easily transfers the management of his father's company to his fiancé Alexei. As it turned out, she gave him ownership of the company. Then Alex becomes unnecessary. Confused, without relatives and means of subsistence, Lera goes to a remote village with an unusual name in the Canary Islands, where her father once bought a farm, with the firm intention of selling it as soon as possible. But the local herbalist Baba Klava turns out to be her grandmother. And the neighbor-beekeeper Nikolay can and wants to help her with restoration of a farm.
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