Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2016, series 4, ~46-48 minutes, TV channel Україна
Rating 7.66%
Fraction 18.92%
Production company Star Media
Directors Oleh Turansykiy
Screenwriter Yevhenіya Vahіna
Director of photography (DOP) Oleksandr Siedov
Production Designer Alexandr Teterin
Composers Volodymyr Kripak
Sound Directors Yehor ІrodovOleksandr Yelychev
Film editor Oleh Dedohryuk
Сostume designer Oksana Tіmonіna
Makeup artists Olyha Ahtarnіya
Second Director Alіna Polyakova
Casting director Svіtlana Horoshkova
Producer Terentiev TerentievVladyslav Riashyn
Executive Producers Andrіy Bіlous (II)
Leading actors Olesya FattahovaSerhіy RadchenkoValentin TomusyakLyudmila ZahorsykaDaryna Trehubova
Supporting Actors Іhor PortyankoMihaylo KukuyukVіktorіia Bіlan-RashchukDanilo OskіnOleh MaslennіkovІnna MіroshnichenkoOleh DrachValerіy NeviedrovIryna BardakovaBoris KnighenkoYevhen SіnchukovOlyha ShpilievaOlena KlementyievaOleh ShushpannіkovPetro BoykoOleksandr PershinRoman ChorniyІolanta PilipenkoDmitro VіkulovEvgen RachokBoris PonomarenkoVіtalіy Derev'yanchukValerіy YurchenkoAndriy PolischukOleksandr Omelianov
Creation year 2016
Country Ukraine
Language Russian
World Premiere 01 april 2017
Premiere in Ukraine 19 november 2016
Elena Uskova is going through a difficult period in her life. Beloved father is sick, the relationship with her husband Roman is cold. When her father dies, her half-sister Natasha, with whom they have not seen for many years, helps Olena to cope with her grief. Gradually life is getting better ...
However, soon Elena will face another blow - she realizes that her husband is betraying her. Roman claims that Lena is wrong. Deer begins to think she's crazy, it comes to a nervous breakdown. Roman calls his wife a psychiatrist, who confirms that due to the stress the poor woman is on the verge of insanity.
One day Elena wakes up from the smell of smoke. The body of her dead husband was found in a car burned down in the yard of the house. Elena is accused of killing Roman, all the evidence against her. Lena finds herself in prison, and she alone knows the truth: she was set up, she did not kill her husband. Now she has to find proof of her innocence at any cost ...
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