Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2017, series 4, ~45 minutes, TV channel 1+1
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre Melodrama
Production company Sіsterz Prodakshn
Directors Oleh Fіlіpenko
Screenwriter Yuliia Chernyshova
Director of photography (DOP) Oleksandr Boiko
Production Designer Valentin Lobanecy
Composers Vladlen Pupkov
Sound Directors Serhii Kushnirov
Film editor Oleksandr Horbatyuk
Сostume designer Hanna Krupnіcyka
Makeup artists Olena Klieshchova
Operator Oleksandr Paholok
Casting director Yulіya Іoffe
Producer Vіktorіya ZabulonsykaMarina HorodecykaOlena VasilyievaOleksandr Tkachenko (III)
Executive Producers Oleksandr OmelianovІrina Tihomirova
Creative Producers Daryna Trehubova
Line Producers Denis Bіlobrov
Leading actors Hanna SahaydachnaRoman ViskrebencevOleksandr PopovAnastasіya CimbalaruV'yacheslav DovghenkoAndrіy MostrenkoSvіtlana ShekeraVіktorіia Bіlan-Rashchuk
Supporting Actors Marina AnіsovichTamara AntropovaTaras HotovcevNіna HrivaAnna DzyubіnsykaOleh ZamyatіnNatalka KobizkaAlіna KrivinecySerhii KucheraSerhіy MalyuhaVladislav MamchurOleksandr OmelianovVladislav OnіschenkoSerhіy PerunYulіya PanіchkіnaSerhіy PonomarenkoІhor PіsniyVіra RomandashOlyha SidorchenkoBohdan TriboyStanіslav SchokіnYevhen Yaroschuk
Creation year 2017
Country Ukraine
Language Russian
World Premiere 19 may 2018
Premiere in Ukraine 21 may 2017
22-year-old student Vika Klymchuk, a future traumatologist, comes for an internship at the medical center of the football club and meets Artem Grigoriev - the main star of the football club. Vika falls in love with a football player at first sight. During the first meeting, the couple is attacked by bandits, and Artem saves Vika. She is happy with Artem and does not notice his narcissism. One day Artem meets journalist Yana and starts courting her ...
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