Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2021, series 16, ~45 minutes, TV channel СТБ
Rating 3.97%
Fraction 11.06%
Genre Drama
Production company Speys Prodakshn
Directors Yevhen Baranov
Screenwriter Marіya Hospodіnova-Hramadcyka
Director of photography (DOP) Anton Verbіn
Production Designer Andrіy Bur'yanenko
Сostume designer Іrina Ghurakіvsyka
Makeup artists Svіtlana Matvіychuk
Casting director Anna Saharova
Producer Dar'ya Lehonі-FіalkoKaterina LaskarіLyudmila SemchukKaterina ShevelyukOlena Zoz
Executive Producers Vladislav ZolotaryovTaras Semenyuk
Leading actors Hanna MіkloshSerhіy StrelynikovVіtalіy KudryavcevYulіya BuynovsykaTaras CimbalyukYelizar NazarenkoEvhenii LamakhTetyana MalkovaDar'ya BarіhashvіlіOlesya OstrovsykaVіktor SaraykіnLarisa TroyanovsykaYekateryna Svyrydenko
Supporting Actors Danіl ShevchenkoOleksandr BehmaSerhіy ScherbіnNatalia SmirnovaNina DenisovaAliona YakymenkoVolodymyr MelnykSergey VolyanovskyІrina Tamіm
After 15 years of happy marriage, Elena met businessman Alexei, whom she loved as much as her legal husband, and secretly married him. Since then, the main character has two official men and two houses in two cities. For five years, Elena manages to live a double life. However, pregnancy destroys this scheme. The heroes face a difficult truth and a number of difficult decisions with dramatic consequences.
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