Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2018, series 4, ~45-46 minutes, TV channel СТБ
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre Melodrama
Production company Kiivtelefіlym
Directors Valerіy Іbrahіmov
Screenwriter Oleksandr Righov
Director of photography (DOP) Maksim Baiev
Production Designer Pavlo Karvan
Composers Volodimir Matecykiy
Sound Directors V'yacheslav Stefan
Film editor Natalіya Dobrovolysyka
Сostume designer Olyha Koghina
Makeup artists Vіktorіya Vereschak
Second Director Roman Prihodyko
Operator Іvan NechiporukMaksim Voron
Casting director Іrina Nenahova
Producer Valentin Opaliev
Creative Producers Svіtlana Karvan
Leading actors Hlafіra TarhanovaOleksіy ZubkovKaterina ZіnherMarіya KlimovaYevhenіy LebedinAlex TritenkoOlena Zavhorodnya (Kolesnichenko)Denis Hranchak
Supporting Actors Іrina MakKaterina KravchenkoOleh Zamyatіnlilly NagornayaOlena ІvasіvaVіktorіya MoskalenkoViktor StepanenkoMihaylo ShamіhulovNіna KastorfValerіy Іbrahіmov Yulіya PershutaNatalya TsyganenkoNatalіya PoyanKatarina ShenfeldVeronіka LіtkevichOleksіy Drebezhov
Creation year 2017
Country Ukraine
Language Russian
World Premiere 10 june 2017
Premiere in Ukraine 16 february 2018
Svetlana works as a pediatrician, dreams of her own child, but due to health problems can not know the happiness of motherhood. Even the IVF procedure, which was persuaded by her husband, a private lawyer Ilya, did not help. It seems to Svetlana that forced childlessness is gradually destroying their family life.
One day an unknown woman named Irina comes to her reception and brings her son Kostya. Svetlana is shocked: Kostya is very similar to Elijah as a child. And not only outwardly, but also facial expressions, gestures, general behavior. At first, Svetlana tries not to attach importance to this, but suspicions still gnaw at her, not giving her peace. Svetlana soon learns that Kostya's mother was a client of Elijah a few years ago. The last - the most important - argument is a genetic examination, which proves: Elijah - the biological father of Kostya.
Accusing her husband of infidelity, Svetlana files for divorce. Despite Elijah's sworn assurances that all this is a terrible mistake, the family is falling apart ...
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