Format TV movie
Category Full-length
Genre Melodrama
Production company Art Teritorіya
Directors Roman Brovko
Screenwriter Tetyana Hniedash
Director of photography (DOP) Dmitro Yurіkov
Production Designer Tetyana Laptieva-Kondratova
Composers Іhor Volkov (IV)Yurіy Hrom
Sound Directors Vіtalіy Baydіn
Сostume designer Іrina Tyulykіna
Makeup artists Olena Pazich
Second Director Anastasia Korotka
Casting director Vіktorіya Nesterenko
Producer Іhor Volkov (IV)Serhіy Baranov (II)
Executive Producers Olga Klymenko
Line Producers Valerіya Nepiyuscha
Leading actors Andrіy FіnyahіnAnna AdamovychDenis RodnyansykiyMakar TihomirovSerhіy MalyuhaV'yacheslav SolomkaHrihorіy Bokovenko
Supporting Actors Nіna NabokaVladislav PupkovVolodimir PshenichniyVolodimir MashukTetyana KomarovaOlena Hryhorieva-NesmіyanAnna PetrashYurіy VisocykiyYevhenіya PolіkarpovaOleh NemirovsykiyViktor StepanenkoDmitro BazayІrina Svietlyakova
Successful businessman Yevhen Golovchenko comes from the capital to a small provincial town to buy and reorganize a local plant. But business quickly recedes into the background: Eugene meets a young beautiful Anna and decides to conquer her heart. However, all the usual methods of seduction do not work for a girl ... Will Eugene still be able to fall in love with Anya? And who is she for him - another prize to be won, or the first true love?
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