Format Film
Category Short
Genre Drama
Production company DGTL RLGN / Dіdghіtal Relіdghn
Directors Mikola Zasieiev
Screenwriter Іllya TrifonovMikola Zasieiev
Director of photography (DOP) Svіtlana Aparіna
Production Designer Hanna Bіloshicyka
Composers Vouter van Velydhoven
Sound Directors Andrіy Nіdzelysykiy
Film editor Artem KulikMikola Zasieiev
Сostume designer Anastasіya Sutyahіna
Makeup artists Anastasіya Sutyahіna
Second Director Yulіya Pavlyuk
Casting director Olga Lyubarova
Producer Natalia LibetVіtalіy SheremetyievOleksandra Kravchenko
Line Producers Oleksandra Kravchenko
Leading actors Artem HrachovVolodymyr Volkov (IV)Vladislav MamchurAlyona OsmanovaDaniil SushkoMarіya KovalyovaOrest SirvatkaNіna Antonova
Supporting Actors Polіna DudnikDenis KukshinVіtalіy KorshakSofіya MatvіychukOleksandra MelysitovaAndrіy Kovalevsykiy
Creation year 2021
Country Ukraine
Language Ukrainian
World Premiere 04 june 2021
Premiere in Ukraine 04 june 2021
On one of the last days of summer vacation, 12-year-old Yarik and his friend Igor witness a disturbing scene. The boys see a man allegedly strangling a young girl in the woods – but everyone concludes: Igor is sure that the two fell in love, while Yarik is convinced that the woman was killed. The history of finding evidence of a crime is revealed by growing up.
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