Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2017, series 4, ~48 minutes, TV channel 1+1
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre Melodrama
Production company Sіsterz Prodakshn
Directors Bata Nedich
Screenwriter Heorhіy Kіrvalіdze
Director of photography (DOP) Valentin Melynichenko
Production Designer Dmitro Ghmurko
Composers Yevhen Zaycev
Sound Directors Serhіy Kushnіrov
Film editor Oleksandr Horbatyuk
Сostume designer Hanna Krupnіcyka
Makeup artists Olyha Bondarenko
Second Director Olyha Bіlan
Operator Dmitro Litvinenko
Casting director Veronіka Solnceva
Producer Olena VasilyievaOleksandr Tkachenko (III)Vіktorіya ZabulonsykaMarina Horodecyka
Executive Producers Oleksandr OmelianovІrina Tihomirova
Creative Producers Daryna Trehubova
Line Producers Andrii Savchenko
Leading actors Dіana RozovlyanOleksandr PopovAnna KoshmalNatalіya VasykoSerhіy SipliviyMykola BoklanMark DrobotAnastasіya Karpenko
Supporting Actors Vladislav PisarenkoPolina Snisarenko-KulchytskaSerhіy KiyashkoVladislav NіkіtyukOleksіy CherevatenkoYurіy Yakovliev-SuhanovVolodimir MovchanBata NedichPetar NedichOleksandr OmelianovYulіya PanіchkіnaІrina HrischenkoVіktorіya Poloz-ZrakіchІrina KarnauhovaLyubov BorisyonokMaksim RohovAlexandr TeterinDarina HoroshunovaAnastasіya KravchukPolіna HromovaMіla Rimary
Creation year 2017
Country Ukraine
Language Russian
World Premiere 23 october 2020
Premiere in Ukraine 18 june 2017
Often people work at a job that is not their vocation or the job of their dreams. So it happened with Karina from the series - a seamstress who always dreamed of dancing and the stage, although she lived in a small mining town.
Even her own family does not support her in her desire to achieve her dream, and the dance group she led for the children is going to close. However, fate gives the heroine a chance - a famous dance troupe comes to town, and Karina above all dreams of becoming one of them. There are many obstacles in her way, but the girl hopes that she will succeed.
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