Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2018, series 4, ~49 minutes, TV channel Україна
Rating 6.76%
Fraction 22.19%
Production company Vileton FilmsEyBіSі Fіlym Ukraina
Directors Volodimir Yanoschuk
Screenwriter Natalіya Shimborecyka
Director of photography (DOP) Anton Verbіn
Production Designer Yulіya Balan
Composers Mikita Yanoschuk
Film editor Vіktor Hrinchuk
Сostume designer Іrina Ghurakіvsyka
Makeup artists Karolіna Mavardі
Second Director Vіktorіya Suhachova
Casting director Masha Boklan
Producer Vіtalіy SіrenkoYevhen LyaschenkoVіktorіya KorohodNataliia Strybuk
Executive Producers Іrina Franchuk
Leading actors Oleksandr RatnіkovAlіna SerhieievaDmytro SovaVlad DemydenkoІrina HrishakKsenіya Basha-DovghenkoAndrіy Іsaienko
Supporting Actors Volodimir MіnyayloOleh ScherbinaHanna RozstalynaMarina May-KuklіnaYevhen Oliinyk (II)Volodimir HladkiyNatalіya KudryavcevaTaisіya-Oksana SchurukKristіna MelynichenkoMiroslav GhmurkoV'yacheslav DudkoKaterina BashkіnaNatalіya LyashenkoTimur HambarovAnastasіya BaydaІhor TihomirovRoman MacyutaInna BelikovaІhor TіtovAndrіy VoloshinVolodimir ShpudeykoAndrіy LelyuhTaras CimbalyukArtem MyausKira PodolskaMiroslav PavlіchenkoOleksandr Mironov (II)Іvan KovalysykiyHennadіy ForoschukOleksіy CurkanHalina KornieievaMikola ShkarabanYurіy Visocykiy
Casting Managers Sabіna Bahlay
Creation year 2018
Country Ukraine
Language Russian
World Premiere 07 february 2019
Premiere in Ukraine 30 september 2018
Olya and Petya are peers and neighbors from childhood: together they grew up, together they experienced the loss of loved ones in one accident (Olina's mother and Peter's father), together they got to an orphanage. Children's friendship eventually grows into love, and by the time they are eighteen, young people are sure that they will continue to live together, preparing for the wedding. But Ilya Gorelov, the son of an influential father who is used to getting what he wants on demand, interferes in their plans. Olya refuses his courtship. And then Elijah does everything to remove the opponent from the road, because one is not divided into two. As a result, after a series of events set up by Ilya, Peter falls behind bars, and Olya, to help him, is forced to accept Gorelov's offer and become his wife.
After eighteen years, Olya is still in the status of Gorelov's wife, lives in abundance, does her favorite job. But neither Olya, nor her son Serhiy, who grew up a rebel, nor Ilya feel happy. Everything will change when Peter reappears in Oli's orbit. A chance meeting will turn the lives of all participants in history. And make you answer difficult questions. What is more important: a sense of duty or love, once devoted? Should we take revenge for past insults, or is it enough to try to restore justice? Oli has to make the most important choice in life again.
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