Never Say Never

Ukraine - 2015

Status Completed

Format TV series

Number of seasons 1

Season 1, рік 2016, series 100, ~45-48 minutes, TV channel Україна

Rating 5.77%

Fraction 16.58%

Genre Melodrama

Production company Front Sіnema

Directors Serhii Kravets

Screenwriter Tetyana HniedashYaroslava SiehalAndrіy PercenAnatolіy KarlyuhaOlena TereshkovaMarіya DuhotaOleksandra LavrenchukYulіya SokolovaOlyha BoievaMarіya Rudenko

Director of photography (DOP) Serhіy Nіkіforov (II)

Production Designer Marіya Chupaylenko

Composers Mikita Yanoschuk

Sound Directors Serhіy SavchenkoAndrіy BondarSerhіy ButenkoOleksandr Barba

Film editor Oleksіy MakohonchukDmitro HernichNazim Kadri-ZadeMaksim LіnecykiyKaterina Pavlenko (II)

Second Director Oleksandr SalynikovAnton TsivatyiMіla Pohrebisyka

Operator Roman NighnikAndrіy Shkіr

Casting director Oksana Martynyuk (II)

Producer Tetyana HniedashMaksim DankevichNataliia StrybukOlena Bechke

Executive Producers Oleksandra Tkachenko (II)Denis Ponomarenko

Creative Producers Dmitro Holydman

Leading actors Valeria KhodosVіtalіy SalіyKostyantin DanilyukYana SobolevsykaAnna KoshmalKaterina VarchenkoKostyantin OktyabrsykiyAndrіy ІsaienkoSvіtlana ShekeraV'yacheslav DovghenkoKaterina VishnevaSofіya PіsymanDmitro SurghikovOleksandra SyzonenkoSerhіy SipliviyVladislav PisarenkoFedіr HurinecyPavlo MoskalyOlena Bondarieva-Riepіna

Supporting Actors Svіtlana ZelybetOleksandr PopovMarta LohachovaValerіya HulyaievaDmitro HavrilovAndrіy MostrenkoAnastasіya BlaghchukKsenіya VertinsykaJulia GapchukAnna LebedievaAlіsa Hur'ievaSergey VolyanovskyDmytro SoloviovBoris AbramovІhor PortyankoPavlo MoskalyІnha NahornaІnna MіroshnichenkoІhor ShkurіnSvіtlana ShtanykoDenis KapustіnYevhenіy LebedinDmitro UsovDanilo MіreshkіnKsenіya NіkolaievaOleksandr RudkoYaroslav IhnatenkoIrina NovakІvan ZalusykiyІhor PetrusenkoKirilo DanchukTetyana YurіkovaVіktor PoltoracykiyVіktor ShvecyRuslan SokolynikOleksіy CherevatenkoІhor LisyukDenis DemchenkoMihaylo RomanovHeorhіy LeschenkoAnghela ChornomorVolodimir HoncharovOleksandr VasіnSerhіy BulіnOlesya ChechelynicykaSerhіy Bondarchuk (II)Lyudmila RudnicykaOlyha KunikMikita ParhomenkoMihaylo AuhustYevhen Oliinyk (II)Anastasіya CimbalaruAnastasiia GyrenkovaAleksei AgeevEva Shevchenko-HolovkoPavlo AldoshinMalvina SalijchukMaksimіlіan ІmasVіktorіya VіdokVolodimir YemnovOlyha ArutyunyanOleksandr ShevchukPavlo ShpehunMihaylo KrulyRoman MaryuhaVitalii MatviienkoYurіy KhodosKarina ShereverovaMarianna DruzhynetsOleh ShushpannіkovAleksandr Zherebko

Creation year 2015

Country Ukraine

Language Russian

Premiere in Ukraine 11 january 2016

The life of tenth-grader Lyudmila Polishchuk changed in one day, on September 1. In the morning, the young girl went to school on the feast of the First Bell and returned to prison, accused of committing a horrific murder. Luda did not remember anything – only her hands and clothes, blackened by the blood of the well-known politician Volodymyr Meshkov, whom, according to investigators, it was she, Luda, who brutally killed with a knife.

The family of the deceased is doing everything to get the bastard girl sentenced to life imprisonment. Meshkov's younger brother, mad with rage, even tries to kill Luda, but hesitates at the last moment, promising her that she will never be released. But the poor woman's misfortunes do not end there – Luda finds out that she is pregnant in the prison hospital. In desperation, the girl gives her newborn daughter to her older sister, promising herself that she will do everything to reunite with her mother.

… Having learned the harsh life in the area, Luda is still hoping for a new life. Another month – and will be left behind 17 difficult years in a women's colony in Luhansk region. In just a month, Luda will leave her former prison cell and be able to hug her own daughter, whom she has never seen in all these years. But… 2014 is coming, and all the plans of the convicted Lyudmyla Polishchuk did not come true. She is waiting for the real hell of the war in the Donbass, the betrayal of relatives, the terrible secrets in which she, as a girl, was involuntarily involved. And a long way to the only native person in this world…

Movie shots

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