Format TV movie
Category Full-length
Production company Star Media
Directors Dmitro Laktіonov
Screenwriter Eduard Palymov
Director of photography (DOP) Mihaylo Markov
Production Designer Oleksandr Yakіmov
Composers Yevhen Zaycev
Sound Directors Dmitro Panteleymonov
Сostume designer Oksana Salamatіna
Makeup artists Vіktorіya Vereschak
Second Director Roman Sokolov
Operator Svіtlana Aparіna
Casting director Anna Dehusar
Producer Yuri MinzyanovVladyslav Riashyn
Executive Producers Dmytro Minzianov
Line Producers Andrіy Harkusha
Leading actors Yana SobolevsykaPavlo BarshakDenis RoghkovVolodimir SimonovOleksandra Nazarova
Supporting Actors Oleksіy SmolkaZaza ChanturіyaSofіya StecenkoMarina BohatovaInna BelikovaDmitro HavrilovOleh ІvanicyaVolodimir KanіvecyDmytro SovaRoman SokolovDenis TolyarenkoOlena TurbalRoman ChorniySerhіy Bondarchuk (II)Mihaylo HomenkoMikita Bikanov
Creation year 2012
Language Russian
World Premiere 20 january 2013
Premiere in Ukraine 08 december 2012
Anna Vlasova, the daughter of a famous businessman, fell from the roof of the shopping center. Investigator Borisov finds no motive for the murder, especially since drugs were found in the girl's blood. But the sister of the deceased Kira does not believe that Anna herself decided to settle accounts with life. She decides to investigate her sister's strange death and convinces Borisov not to close the case. He continues to look for evidence, and meanwhile Kira herself is looking for the smallest thread to unravel the tangle. And events begin to unfold at an alarming rate: all Ani's acquaintances, whose testimonies were important to the investigation, perish. Kira has no idea that the truth she is looking for can be deadly for herself.
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