Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2018, series 12, ~48 minutes, TV channel Україна
Rating 7.04%
Fraction 23.24%
Genre Melodrama
Production company FILM.UA GroupPronto Fіlym
Directors Hanna Hresy
Screenwriter Dmitro ScherbakovOleh Tomashevsykiy
Director of photography (DOP) Maksim Stepanov
Production Designer Hanna Prisich
Composers Vіktor Pavlov (III)
Sound Directors Denis Riskaly
Film editor Volodimir Zapryahalov
Сostume designer Anastasіya Sutyahіna
Makeup artists Alyona Tulapіna
Second Director Natalіya StarovaVarvara Fіlіpchuk
Casting director Yana Bernadsyka
Producer Vіktor Mirsykiy
Executive Producers Maksim Asadchiy
Line Producers Serhіy Lisyaniy
Leading actors Anastasіya PanіnaDmitro BelyakіnVіktorіya KlіnkovaKirilo GhandarovArtur VahaІnna MіroshnichenkoAlla Maslennіkova
Supporting Actors Dar'ya HromovaVіktor SaraykіnVіtalіy SalіyDanilo MіreshkіnOleh MoskalenkoOleh VlasovVіktorіia Bіlan-RashchukOleh MamikіnAnatolіy LobanovMariia MotornaSergii DzialykDmytro TurkevychAlesya RomanovaYulіya PershutaSerhіy KorshikovOleksandr DanilychenkoRuslan KacemіrІhor ShkurіnSerhii KucheraVіtalіy ChelkanovVіktor HunykіnVadim KuzloNіna HrivaTetyana YurіkovaLyudmila ZahorsykaKaterina BraykovsykaYurіy Yakovliev-Suhanov
Creation year 2018
Country Ukraine
Language Russian
World Premiere 28 may 2018
Premiere in Ukraine 12 september 2018
Anton is used to obeying his parents, but at a certain point he realizes that all along, he has been living by someone else’s script and that all he has is a job he hates and a wife he doesn’t love. He decides to turn his life around and reaches out to his first love Olga who lives in a small town; he confesses to her that his feelings for her are still alive. Olga is happy, as this is also a chance for her to re-start her life from a clean slate.
She confides in him entirely, but this relationship does not come easy: Anton has quite a few secrets and mysteries, and before long Olga’s love is rivaled by her own sister, and soon enough the woman’s life enters a downward spiral. In desperate times, she is supported by Maksim, Anton’s friend and partner who is going through a rough patch coming to terms with the death of his brother and is obsessed with the idea of finding those responsible for it.
Who can be trusted and who is to blame for all misfortunes, what is the cost of human error and whether life gives second chances – the characters are about to find the answers to these questions.
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