Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2018, series 8, ~45-46 minutes, TV channel 1+1
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre Melodrama
Production company Strіlka prodakshn
Directors Serhey Tolkushkin
Screenwriter Іrina Chernova
Director of photography (DOP) Oleksandr Boiko
Production Designer Vadim Shinkaryov
Sound Directors Yurіy PlavkoDmitro TeryohіnKostyantin Razumnov
Сostume designer Oleksandra Rimakova
Makeup artists Svіtlana Matvіychuk
Second Director Olena Frolova
Operator Oleksandr Kovalevsykiy
Casting director Olena Kostricya
Producer Olena VasilyievaOleksandr Tkachenko (III)Olena YeremieievaDarina Ghukova
Executive Producers Armen Ter-AvanesovTaras Semenyuk
Creative Producers Nadіya Permіnova
Line Producers Denis Astapenko
Leading actors Dar'ya YehorkіnaVladislav NіkіtyukValeria KhodosAnastasіya ChepelyukArtem MyausAndrіy MostrenkoVladislav OnіschenkoPolіna VasilinaOleksіy YarovenkoOlena YablochnaRoman ViskrebencevMarіya ZaniborschTetyana PechenkіnaRoman MacyutaNatalіya VasykoKostyantin DanilyukDmitro UsovMykola BoklanYurіy Dyak
Supporting Actors Yanina SokolovaStanіslav BghezinsykiyKirilo DanchukOlyha ArutyunyanMihaylo KrishtalyOlena HohlatkіnaDmitro ZavadsykiyViacheslav VasyliukOleksandr SuvorovVolodymyr LiashevskyiTamara MorozovaOleksandr KomendantovSerhіy SosnovcevІrina SultanovaJulia GapchukOleksandr SpіrіnYaroslav KnyazievSasha Kutenko
The main characters of the film are a group of students living today. They regularly attend lectures, fall in love, meet and divorce. Quite by accident, their life path intersects with the affairs of one drug dealer - an influential person among the dealers of the underground business. He draws the guys into a risky game. Inexperienced students will have to make a difficult choice. As a result of one fatal decision, one of the friends dies. It's been 15 years. Former student friends have not communicated with each other for a long time. Everyone has their own new life. And none of them even suspects that they will soon have to pay for the sins of the past. And not only to them, but also to their children ...
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