Format TV movie
Category Full-length
Genre ComedyScreen adaptation
Production company Melorama prodakshnFILM.UA Group
Directors Maksym Papernyk
Screenwriter Volodimir ZelensykiyBoris ShefіrSerhіy Shefіr
Director of photography (DOP) V'yacheslav Lazariev
Production Designer Anna MolodіchenkoRodіon Molodіchenko
Composers Hennadіy Krupnik
Sound Directors Vіktor AlferovRoman Bohorosh
Film editor Artem PlugharovAndrіy BoutenokOleksandr Stohnіy
Сostume designer Olyha Navrocyka
Makeup artists Svіtlana RimakovaOlena Tvelіna
Second Director Oleksіi Lіsovets
Operator Oleksandr Siedov
Producer Oleksіy HoncharenkoVladyslav Riashyn
Executive Producers Ella Boblenyuk
Leading actors Oleksandr BaluievYulіya RutberhOleksandr LikovMarіya AronovaOlyha KrasykoVolodimir YepіskoposyanMykola Boklan
There are four people under one roof under concurrence of circumstances – a husband and wife, a cook, who is the husband’s lover, and his friend, who is also the wife’s lover. A complicated situation turns into a variety of funny situations in the New Year. Only a real impulse is able to unravel this complicated tangle of relationships.
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